“As I walked over the loose fragments of stone, which lay scattered and surveyed the sublimity and grandeur of the ruins,
I recurred, by a natural association of ideas, to the times when these walls stood proudly in their original splendor,
when the halls were the scenes of hospitality and festive magnificence, and when they resounded
with the voices of those whom death had long since swept from earth."
(Ann Radcliffe, "A Sicilian Romance")
I recurred, by a natural association of ideas, to the times when these walls stood proudly in their original splendor,
when the halls were the scenes of hospitality and festive magnificence, and when they resounded
with the voices of those whom death had long since swept from earth."
(Ann Radcliffe, "A Sicilian Romance")
Das Schloss wurde Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts auf den Überresten eines alten Klosters errichtet und in einen idyllischen Landschaftspark mit uraltem Baumbestand eingebettet. Das Gebäude kann auf eine bewegte Geschichte zurückblicken. So war hier einst die britische Königin Victoria selbst zu Gast. Überdies wurde gar schon vermutet, dass hier das lang verschwundene Bernsteinzimmer versteckt sein soll. Gefunden wurde es bisher leider nicht. Auch ich konnte hiervon leider keinerlei Spuren feststellen.
Heute verkommen sowohl der wunderschöne Park als auch das Schloss. Die Zukunft bleibt weiterhin ungewiss.
Heute verkommen sowohl der wunderschöne Park als auch das Schloss. Die Zukunft bleibt weiterhin ungewiss.
The old castle was built on the ruins of an old monastery in the beginning of the 19th century. The beautiful building was also erected in the middle of an idyllic park with a very old tree population. The castle itself has a rich and long history. Even Queen Victoria from England was a former guest several times. Some people even assumed that the famous Amber Room was (or still is) hidden on the grounds somewhere. Yet, as known, it hasn't been found yet. It it is a shame that I couldn't find it either.
Unfortunately, both the castle and the beautiful park have been abandoned for many years. The future of the castle is uncertain.
Unfortunately, both the castle and the beautiful park have been abandoned for many years. The future of the castle is uncertain.
Das Schloss im Jahr 1901, Old photograph of the castle in 1901
(gemeinfrei - in the public domain)