Schloss NC
"I've been looking so long at these pictures of you
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you."
(The Cure, "Pictures of You")
That I almost believe that they're real
I've been living so long with my pictures of you."
(The Cure, "Pictures of You")
Das alte Schloss, das im 17. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde, liegt am Rande einer beschaulichen Ortschaft im südwestlichen Böhmen, Tschechien. Noch bis in die 1990er Jahre war das Anwesen im Besitz eines böhmisch-österreichischen Adeslgeschlecht. Diese verkauften es im Jahr 1993 jedoch. Augenscheinlich wurde das Gebäude zumindest teilsaniert. So lassen einige renovierte Räume, vorranging im Anbau des Schlosses, diesen Schluss zu. Trotz alledem ist der prächtige Herrschaftssitz heute zu einer Ruine verkommen.
The old castle was built in the 17th century and lies on the outskirts of a small picturesque village in south-western Bohemia, Czech Republic. Still until the beginning of the 1990s the building was owned by a Bohemian-Austrian family of noblemen. They sold it in 1993. After the sell, judging from some refurbished looking rooms in the adjunct building of the castle, it was obviously at least partly renovated and in use - or planned to be used. Nevertheless, all that has been left of the once magnificent building, is nothing but a ruin today.
Satellitenaufnahme - Aerial Image
(©google-earth, 2020)